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from: - get protracker 3 there: //(latest version is 3.72)// - start it: fuse PT372.SCL - the start tr-dos - get SYMBOL with ctrl (hold ctrl), then type and release SHIFT, then 9 (in qwerty) to get the CAT command. - type j (for LOAD), ctrl+P (for "), PT3.72, then ctrl+P (which mean you should get ``LOAD "PT3.72"``) __Translation by Alone Coder__ ``` ___________ZX_PRO_TRACKER_MANUAL__________________ Characteristics: √ Tempo: 1-63 √ Positions: 256 √ Patterns: 48 √ Pattern length: 1-64 √ Ornaments: 15 √ Samples: 31 √ Player size: #c00 (PT Util: #900, sources: from #632) √ Sample length: 64 √ Ornament length: 64 √ TurboSound (2AY) mode (7MHz CPU or Pentagon w/o indicators) New options above v2.x: √ Volume (global gain) √ Write data (auto-fill input note parameters with former) √ Scroll step (scroll down after inputting note) √ Edit melody (roll between patterns by positions order) √ Set up (set colors, sound etc.) √ Positions list (order of patterns playing) √ Pattern length (set specified pattern length for all patterns by one click) √ Clear sample, ornament √ Copy sample, ornament √ Volume transposition √ Copy 3 channels at once (click "Channel") PT3.x can load Pro Tracker 2.x, Sound Tracker, Sound Tracker Pro modules. Frequences cumulation, volume increase/decrease, envelope mask are in Edit smp. Use -96 displacement in ornament for fix every note to C-1. You haven't to set F before ornament #. ssQ/ssW - line delete/insert commands (available anywhere). Arrow control: Q,CS,O,P,Space (or Kempston Mouse) Disk/compilation errors are shown on border. Since v3.697 memory isn't being cleared before loading module. Loader: Setups are in basic block: 5d3b, 5d3c = colours; 5d3d: bit0-2 = border; bit4 = "play on"; bit5 = "sound"; bit6 = "print points"; bit7 = "kempston joystick"; 5e16: frequency table. Press CS to disable indicators if your computer is slow. Hot keys: W - Edit melody Ext - Edit pattern Enter - Play In pattern window: 0-9 (in note field are octaves) А-V (input O,P with Symbol Shift; input Q with Caps Shift) cs9 - begin/*centre of pattern *ss9 - end of pattern L - clear note *ssL - clear note with parameters *K - clear command field for current note Enter - play while hold ssE - memorize channel into buffer ssR - recall channel from buffer *CS(SS)+note - note with octave above(below) *SS+digit - set Autoscroll *cs1,cs2 - go to previous,next channel *True/Inv - go between patterns *ssY - switch flat/sharp for current note *csU - set block begin to cursor (including pattern number & channel) *csI - set block end to cursor *csY - copy selected block to cursor *csT - transpose selected block *F - empty note (autodata+autoenv+scroll) *W - on/off Edit melody *Ext - exit to "Hot keys" *ssI - Edit smp *ssU - Edit orn *csL - edit positions order *ssA - insert current note parameters into AutoData former *csA - on/off AutoData *csE - on/off AutoEnv *E - on/off transparent envelope entering mode. Note ISN'T being changed in this mode. Transparent mode is stable if AutoEnv=ON, in other case it switches itself off after inputting one note *csW - on/off TurboSound mode *cs0 - switch between 2 AY chips in TurboSound mode (2nd chip is in patterns 47..24, these patterns must be in positions list) 2-nd column in pattern - noise shift for all channels. Special commands (right column in every channel): Record format: 1234 1 - command type 2 - Delay in commands 1,2,3,9,А 3,4 - depends of command Command type: 0 - no command 1 - Slide down, fields 3,4 - step. Tone shift if delay=0. 2 - Slide up, fields 3,4 - step. Tone shift if delay=0. 3 - Tone Portamento, fields 3,4 - step, target note is in note field. Sample & Ornament will be initialized! I don't recommend 3xxx from note to SAME note. Have pity to player! 4 - Sample will play from line # specified in 3,4 5 - same, but for Ornament 6 - Vibrato, in 3 - sound on duration, in 4 - sound off duration 9 - Envelope slide up, fields 3,4 - step А - Envelope slide down B - Tempo (3,4) In positions list (order): digits - change pattern # *K - Set loop start *L - Set loop end In Edit smp (orn) menu: *0-9 - octave *True/Inv - switch between samples (ornaments) ssU,ssI - switch between ornaments (samples) W,E - +/-1 R,T - +/-32 (12) *ss8,ss9 - regulate volume 0 - annul ssK - change sign *K - Set loop start (loop is magenta stripe over line numbers - you can re-set it by mouse) *L - Set loop end *A - regulate volume cumulation *9 - on/off tone frequency cumulation *F - on/off noise/envelope frequency cumulation *Y,U,I - on/off T-N-E masks note keys for hear current sample with current ornament How to convert track (music channel) from Tempo=6 to Tempo=3: ss2, Graph, Down, ssW (hold until receiving result) How to convert track from Tempo=3 to Tempo=6: ss1, Graph, Down, ssQ (hold until result) How to clear track quickly: a) if cursor is in last pattern: Inv,ssE,True,ssR б) ss1, ssL (hold until result) Main code: Nick/GDC Ideas, code, fix, design: Mm<M/Sa9e Decompile, code, large fix: Alone Coder/i8 (4732) 522-449 Вадим (JV Gfx of GDC) (4732) 141-962 Николай (Nick of GDC) (8462) 94-15-95 Сергей (Mm<M) mmcm^ (4912) 75-13-90 Дима (Alone Coder) 2:5029/77.48 Dima Bystrov 390026 Рязань,ул.Высоковольтная д.37 к.1,кв.12 Быстрову Дмитрию alco^ alone_coder^ GDC Voronezh, 1997 - Sa9e Samara, 2000 - Invaders Ryazan, 2006 P.S. Save is in disk menu. Don't forget to click SAVE smile Enter key only closes window! ``` additional info : - use ctrl + 1, 2, 3 etc to change the "edit step" row (advance 1, 2, 3... step after each new note) - to save your work back on your PC, use SN113 (from Then use Alt+F5 (not F5) when you copy modules with Spectrum Navigator. They will look like module.$m! and work OK. Easier: You can also recover your modules from TRD or SCL using AY Emulator (go to playlist, add TRD, find the song, press right mouse button and select save as pt3).
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